Lincoln Area Home School Resource Expo
Communication Works had the opportunity to participate in the Lincoln Area Home School Resource Expo last Saturday, August 11. Here we see our own Jessie Kohn, Amber Jara with Cecil Pete, and Carol Bowen at the Communication Works table. Thanks, Heartland Home...
Giving Back to the Community
It was a dark and stormy day at Communication Works, but the Red Cross blood drive went without a hitch! We had 25 people volunteer to donate blood, including two Communication Works clinicians. Thanks, Paige and Aliza for giving back to the community! And thanks to...
We Have A Winner!
Beginning in May, Communication Works hosted a coloring contest to celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month. All clients and their siblings were invited to participate, with a $10 Target gift card going to the winner of the contest. Here we see Ada Foral (big sister...
Nebraska ASD Network State Conference
All of our speech-language pathologists are in the "Love to Learn Club". Aliza Stremlau and Kylie Lureen attended the 2018 Nebraska ASD Network State Conference in Omaha on April 19-20. We can't wait to see what Aliza and Kylie learned and have to share with clients...
Holiday Dinner
Question: What happens when you get two or more speech-language pathologists together in one room? Answer: Non-stop communication, great conversation, warm camaraderie, and esprit de corps! Here we see the Communication Works team enjoying a holiday dinner and evening...
99% Club
Wow! Our own special Angie Carman is in the "Trizetto Provider Solutions 99% Club"! Angie is our clinic coordinator and Trizetto is the clearinghouse we use for all insurance claims. Communication Works recently received a congratulatory document that says our...
Trunk or Treat 2017
Carol and Toni had a great time doing Trunk or Treat at Complete Children's Health new location on Hohensee Drive. What a beautiful facility! We got to see lots of darling little ones, chat with parents, and make connections with other professionals. It was a...
Tongue Thrust Specialist in Lincoln, NE
Communication Works is proud to announce that Paige Leising, one of our stellar speech-language pathologists, recently completed extensive training to become an orofacial myologist! Paige is able to provide specialized assessment and treatment for Orofacial...
Lincoln Women’s Expo
We got to meet some lovely ladies at the Lincoln Women's Expo this weekend. We had some lovely ladies of our own at the Communication Works booth. Speech-language pathologists Paige Leising, Kylie Lureen, Aliza Stremlau, and Stephanie Bone were at our booth on...
2016 Halloween Trick-or-Treat Resource Fair
Co-owners Toni Morehouse and Carol Bowen had lots of help handing out treats at the resource fair when Carol’s granddaughter joined them. Thanks Alexis!